
Medical and health advertising promotion
Combining medical public relations and digital promotion, we use the SEO system to improve the website’s natural search ranking, enhance website traffic, and cooperate with media interviews, medical promotion videos, etc. to increase the number of visitors.

Product Testing & Marketing Research
The professional medical team develops content such as real-person testing and medical care satisfaction surveys for you to highlight the product’s differences and obtain authoritative third-party certification.

Media Interviews & Press Conferences
Medical digital public relations, arranging online and offline media interviews and reports and press conferences.

Medical Lecture Service
Medical lectures are held monthly and continuing education certificates are awarded.
Professional Healthcare Members
Media Reports (Articles/Year)
Medical Lectures (Sessions/Year)
Medical Articles (Articles/Year)
Medical Keywords (SEO)
Our Advantages

Over 10,000 healthcare members
Members include specialist doctors, registered Chinese medicine practitioners, pharmacists, nutritionists, nurses, etc.

Medical promotion experience
With more than 13 years of marketing experience in the medical and health field, the team includes registered nurses, medical writers, digital promotion experts, IT and project managers, etc.

Cooperate with medical institutions, medical organizations, patient organizations, laboratories, etc., and have exclusive agency for medical media.

Medical consultation team
The advisory team includes specialists, registered Chinese medicine practitioners, chiropractors, academics, pharmacists, nutritionists, medical nurses, etc., providing professional and reliable advice.
Our Team
- Medical Specialists
- Registered Nurses
- Enrolled Nurses
- University Scholars
- Nutritionists
- Physical Therapists
- Midwives
- Pharmacists
- Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners
- Registered Chiropractors
- Media Professionals
- Health Service Assistants
- Health Workers
- Registered Social Workers
- Doulas
- Caregivers
- Blood Collectors
- Patient Service Assistants
Our Clients
Covers pharmaceutical companies, health brands, medical brands, clinics, medical institutions, insurance companies, community groups, etc.

Client Testimonials
Psychologist, Ms. Janet Hong
Chairman and Medical Director – Synergy Care (Newdirran®) Dr. Lukasz
Latest Activities
Emerging Trends in Healthcare Promotion: “% of Medical Professionals’ Recommendations” and Facilitate Digital Marketing
In today's digital age, healthcare institutions face intense competition, making [...]
癌症治療期與術後的護理是治療過程中不可或缺的一環。 註冊中醫師黎小慧博士 將分享如何透過中醫療法提供個性化的身體支持,幫助患者減輕副作用,促進康復。 同時,註冊社工李伯英先生 將探討術後的身心支援,包括情緒管理和心理健康技巧,以協助患者重建穩定的內心狀態。 為參與者提供全面的治療及支援資訊,增進對癌症治療過程的理解和應對能力。 主題:癌症治療期及術後的護理與身心支援講座| 日期:2024年7月30日(星期二) 時間:晚上7時半至晚上9時半 地點:梁顯利社區中心會議室,油麻地眾坊街60號(油麻地站C出口步行四分鐘) [...]
6月是國際白內障關注月,眼科專科醫生 陳燕晴醫生將就年輕人群中愈加普遍的眼部疾病問題,介紹白內障的檢查和治療技術。醫療公關創辦人 黃湫穎小姐也會和大家探討如何在條件有限的情況下推廣大健康。期望能透過本次交流會議,令大家對這個重要的健康議題有更深入的了解。 業內主題:「大健康唔打廣告如何做好推廣?」 專業主題:「眼睛問題年輕化?及早了解老花,白內障及人工晶體最新技術」 日期:2024年6月13日 ( 星期四 ) 時間:晚上6時45分至8時半 [...]