
Medical and health advertising promotion
Combining medical public relations and digital promotion, we use the SEO system to improve the website’s natural search ranking, enhance website traffic, and cooperate with media interviews, medical promotion videos, etc. to increase the number of visitors.

Product Testing & Marketing Research
The professional medical team develops content such as real-person testing and medical care satisfaction surveys for you to highlight the product’s differences and obtain authoritative third-party certification.

Media Interviews & Press Conferences
Medical digital public relations, arranging online and offline media interviews and reports and press conferences.

Medical Lecture Service
Medical lectures are held monthly and continuing education certificates are awarded.
Professional Healthcare Members
Media Reports (Articles/Year)
Medical Lectures (Sessions/Year)
Medical Articles (Articles/Year)
Medical Keywords (SEO)
Our Advantages

Over 10,000 healthcare members
Members include specialist doctors, registered Chinese medicine practitioners, pharmacists, nutritionists, nurses, etc.

Medical promotion experience
With more than 13 years of marketing experience in the medical and health field, the team includes registered nurses, medical writers, digital promotion experts, IT and project managers, etc.

Cooperate with medical institutions, medical organizations, patient organizations, laboratories, etc., and have exclusive agency for medical media.

Medical consultation team
The advisory team includes specialists, registered Chinese medicine practitioners, chiropractors, academics, pharmacists, nutritionists, medical nurses, etc., providing professional and reliable advice.
Our Team
- Medical Specialists
- Registered Nurses
- Enrolled Nurses
- University Scholars
- Nutritionists
- Physical Therapists
- Midwives
- Pharmacists
- Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners
- Registered Chiropractors
- Media Professionals
- Health Service Assistants
- Health Workers
- Registered Social Workers
- Doulas
- Caregivers
- Blood Collectors
- Patient Service Assistants
Our Clients
Covers pharmaceutical companies, health brands, medical brands, clinics, medical institutions, insurance companies, community groups, etc.

Client Testimonials
Psychologist, Ms. Janet Hong
Chairman and Medical Director – Synergy Care (Newdirran®) Dr. Lukasz
Latest Activities
為提昇會員服務,會員服務中心將於7月22日(星期五)喬遷至尖沙咀黃金地段。新中心佔地更大、地點更優越,繼續致力為會員帶來優質服務。 新地址:尖沙咀金馬倫道22-24號東麗中心11樓A室(港鐵站B2出口直行5分鐘) Google map: —————————————————————————- 香港醫護市場調查及策劃(醫療公關及推廣) 想睇多D免費健康資訊同參加活動? 請讚好FACEBOOK: [...]
香港貿發局 X HKHMR:一齊去「只想購物節」買筍貨!
準備好同朋友一齊去掃貨Shopping嘅愉快心情未呢!喺嚟緊嘅7月29日至8月1日去香港會議展覽中心逛「只想購物節」,就可以好好咁滿足你哋想買筍貨嘅願望!只想購物節雲集超過570家展商,展示各地美酒佳餚、時尚家電家品、美健、服飾精品及玩樂育嬰產品等應有盡有、令大家可以盡情買筍貨! 約定大家喺嚟緊嘅7月29日至8月1日去香港會議展覽中心逛「只想購物節」,一齊入場買筍嘢!現在只要經呢個網址 登記,就可以免$20入場費啦!名額有限!快啲去登記啦! =================================== - 參加者必須按照指示完成登記。 - 有關門券受規定及條款細則約束。 - [...]
9成僱主聘畢業生 實戰經驗比學歷重要 能仁嶄新孵化計劃 助學生發展「贏在起跑線」
[2022年7月12日(星期二),香港] 疫情下經濟受壓,加上持大專學歷的人數增加,導致大學生求職的難度愈來愈大。根據教育資助委員會最新數據顯示註一,2021年大學畢業生的失業率達2.9%,創下近11年來新高。為了解本地畢業生的求職現況,香港能仁專上學院特委託香港醫護市場調查及策劃進行問卷調查,了解僱主選擇本地畢業生的指標,以及其對終身學習孵化計劃的看法。 9成僱主重視「實戰經驗」而非「學歷背景」 香港醫護市場調查及策劃於2022年6月向不同企業進行市場調查,訪問僱主對本地畢業生的看法及要求,成功收回109份「僱主選擇本地畢業生的指標」有效問卷。根據問卷調查結果註二,近七成(68.8%)僱主表示未來半年內會考慮聘請應屆畢業生。近九成(89.9%)受訪者更表示,即使畢業生沒有相關學歷,但只要有相關的崗位經驗,也會考慮聘用。聘請畢業生的考慮因素方面,最多僱主(81.6%)認為畢業生能「掌握資訊科技的應用前景」重要,其次為「與職位相關實習經驗」(62.4%)及「修讀相關學科」(60.5%)。曾聘請過畢業生的僱主當中,有超過一半(57.3%)滿意其整體工作表現。另外有59.6%僱主認為畢業生「很快吸收工作知識/技能」;「資訊科技能力強」則有56.2%。香港醫護市場調查及策劃董事黃湫穎:「疫情下經濟不景,就業市場受壓,但畢業生仍不乏就業的機會。調查反映比起相關學歷和學業成績,僱主更加重視工作經驗。學生如具有相關崗位的經驗,將大大增加其獲錄用的機會。」 能仁嶄新計劃 讓學生畢業≠失業 [...]