
Medical and health advertising promotion
Combining medical public relations and digital promotion, we use the SEO system to improve the website’s natural search ranking, enhance website traffic, and cooperate with media interviews, medical promotion videos, etc. to increase the number of visitors.

Product Testing & Marketing Research
The professional medical team develops content such as real-person testing and medical care satisfaction surveys for you to highlight the product’s differences and obtain authoritative third-party certification.

Media Interviews & Press Conferences
Medical digital public relations, arranging online and offline media interviews and reports and press conferences.

Medical Lecture Service
Medical lectures are held monthly and continuing education certificates are awarded.
Professional Healthcare Members
Media Reports (Articles/Year)
Medical Lectures (Sessions/Year)
Medical Articles (Articles/Year)
Medical Keywords (SEO)
Our Advantages

Over 10,000 healthcare members
Members include specialist doctors, registered Chinese medicine practitioners, pharmacists, nutritionists, nurses, etc.

Medical promotion experience
With more than 13 years of marketing experience in the medical and health field, the team includes registered nurses, medical writers, digital promotion experts, IT and project managers, etc.

Cooperate with medical institutions, medical organizations, patient organizations, laboratories, etc., and have exclusive agency for medical media.

Medical consultation team
The advisory team includes specialists, registered Chinese medicine practitioners, chiropractors, academics, pharmacists, nutritionists, medical nurses, etc., providing professional and reliable advice.
Our Team
- Medical Specialists
- Registered Nurses
- Enrolled Nurses
- University Scholars
- Nutritionists
- Physical Therapists
- Midwives
- Pharmacists
- Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners
- Registered Chiropractors
- Media Professionals
- Health Service Assistants
- Health Workers
- Registered Social Workers
- Doulas
- Caregivers
- Blood Collectors
- Patient Service Assistants
Our Clients
Covers pharmaceutical companies, health brands, medical brands, clinics, medical institutions, insurance companies, community groups, etc.

Client Testimonials
Psychologist, Ms. Janet Hong
Chairman and Medical Director – Synergy Care (Newdirran®) Dr. Lukasz
Latest Activities
根據香港防癌會資料*,於75歲前,本港大約4位男士中有1位會患上癌症,而大約5位女士中則有1位會有癌症。 無論各行各業,都需對此疾病加倍注意,尤其是與醫療健康保障息息相關的保險業界。我們受中國人壽(海外)委託,於2023年3月11日為旗下保險從業員與客戶統籌實體講座,並邀請臨床腫瘤科專科 李智仁醫生進行演講,為他們增值關於癌症之知識。 主辦:中國人壽(海外) 統籌:香港醫護市場調查及策劃 —————————————————— 香港醫護市場調查及策劃(醫療公關及推廣) 醫護查詢WhatsApp:5939 1443 企業查詢WhatsApp:6743 [...]
我們受中國人壽(海外)委託,將於2023年2月25日為旗下保險從業員與客戶統籌實體講座,並邀請註冊輔導心理學家 康志敏女士進行演講,協助他們增值亞健康的知識,以及取得各類心理健康資訊。 主辦:中國人壽(海外) 統籌:香港醫護市場調查及策劃 —————————————————— 香港醫護市場調查及策劃(醫療公關及推廣) 醫護查詢WhatsApp:5939 1443 企業查詢WhatsApp:6743 4551 [...]
「健康公平Health Equity」並非必然存在,這取決於社會決定因素,即工作、收入等,會造成社會健康差異,在新冠疫情下更揭示了健康不不等對基層市民的影響。 香港護理學會將於3月份舉辦「第五十九屆周年國際護理會議暨第六十屆周年大會」,會議主題為「健康公平和健康結果:護士面臨的持續挑戰」,屆時將探討如何透過護理教育去改善社會健康不公平的現象。現呼籲各位踴躍支持是次護理界之盛事,加強香港的健康公平。 贊助詳情: —————————————————— 香港醫護市場調查及策劃(醫療公關及推廣) 醫護查詢WhatsApp:5939 1443 企業查詢WhatsApp:6743 4551 [...]