
Medical and health advertising promotion
Combining medical public relations and digital promotion, we use the SEO system to improve the website’s natural search ranking, enhance website traffic, and cooperate with media interviews, medical promotion videos, etc. to increase the number of visitors.

Product Testing & Marketing Research
The professional medical team develops content such as real-person testing and medical care satisfaction surveys for you to highlight the product’s differences and obtain authoritative third-party certification.

Media Interviews & Press Conferences
Medical digital public relations, arranging online and offline media interviews and reports and press conferences.

Medical Lecture Service
Medical lectures are held monthly and continuing education certificates are awarded.
Professional Healthcare Members
Media Reports (Articles/Year)
Medical Lectures (Sessions/Year)
Medical Articles (Articles/Year)
Medical Keywords (SEO)
Our Advantages

Over 10,000 healthcare members
Members include specialist doctors, registered Chinese medicine practitioners, pharmacists, nutritionists, nurses, etc.

Medical promotion experience
With more than 13 years of marketing experience in the medical and health field, the team includes registered nurses, medical writers, digital promotion experts, IT and project managers, etc.

Cooperate with medical institutions, medical organizations, patient organizations, laboratories, etc., and have exclusive agency for medical media.

Medical consultation team
The advisory team includes specialists, registered Chinese medicine practitioners, chiropractors, academics, pharmacists, nutritionists, medical nurses, etc., providing professional and reliable advice.
Our Team
- Medical Specialists
- Registered Nurses
- Enrolled Nurses
- University Scholars
- Nutritionists
- Physical Therapists
- Midwives
- Pharmacists
- Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners
- Registered Chiropractors
- Media Professionals
- Health Service Assistants
- Health Workers
- Registered Social Workers
- Doulas
- Caregivers
- Blood Collectors
- Patient Service Assistants
Our Clients
Covers pharmaceutical companies, health brands, medical brands, clinics, medical institutions, insurance companies, community groups, etc.

Client Testimonials
Psychologist, Ms. Janet Hong
Chairman and Medical Director – Synergy Care (Newdirran®) Dr. Lukasz
Latest Activities
招聘醫護人員!「PVA 皮米技術」產品滿意度問卷調查
📌招募醫護人員! 醫護人員對PicoLabb「PVA 皮米技術」產品滿意度問卷調查送百佳禮券🔖 我們誠邀醫護人員參與問卷調查,同時可免費體驗由PicoLabb提供的四項「PVA 皮米技術」產品。首100名完成問卷之醫護人員將獲得$50百佳禮券。產品經日本實驗室及本地大學科研實證並於香港廠房製造,功效分別包括: ✅抗衰老 ✅增强身體機能 ✅幫助修復傷口 [...]
招募本地近視學童 現正招募本地華裔學童參加計劃!其後跟進檢查均獲得 現金券 本計劃的研究目的是調查兩款新設計的近視控制鏡片對學齡兒童脈絡膜厚度的影響。 我們誠邀近視學童參與研究計劃: 免費體驗由香港理工大學眼科視光學院提供的近視控制鏡片 可獲贈一副MiyoSmart/普通單焦近視鏡片產品 報名登記後,合資格者將由香港理工大學眼科視光學院專人聯絡。名額有限 費用全免 無銷售! [...]
守衛家庭–長新冠之中醫藥調理講座 (第二場)
新冠肺炎的後遺症「長新冠」為不少市民帶來健康問題。本會於2023年尾已成功舉辦第一場中醫講座,反應熱烈,且成功教導市民從日常生活做好保健,以減低 「長新冠」的影響。按照計劃,我們於2024年初舉辦第二次的講座,邀請到香港中藥學會會長 楊飛義和註冊中醫師 黃燕卿醫師為大家帶來簡單易學的保健貼士及湯水妙方,為大家的健康加油!💪 主題:中醫藥湯水緩解新冠後遺症 日期:2024年1月18日 時間:1930-2100 地點:香港能仁專上學院禮堂 深水埗荔枝角道325-329號 主辦:香港醫療護理發展協會 [...]