
Healthcare Professionals’ Choice – Extraordinary Healthcare Brand Awards 2023

Trivia of 2023

Trivia of 2023

(From left)
– Honorary Executive Director of the Hong Kong Consortium For Medical, Nursing And Healthcare Development, Ms Wong Chau Wing, Moon
– Vice–President of Hong Kong Society of Professional Optometrists, Mr Lam Man Hoi
– President of SME Global Alliance Elderly and Special Needs Services Association, Mr Lee Pak Ying, Richard
– Chairman of the Elderly Services Association of Hong Kong, Mr Kenneth Chan Chi–yuk
– President of Hong Kong Consortium for Medical, Nursing and Healthcare Development, Prof. Thomas Wong, RN, PhD, JP
– Founding Director and Academic Director of the Asian Federation of Rehabilitation & Preventive Medicine,  Dr. Chan Hoi Chung, Samuel
– Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Health Care Federation, Mr. Wong Shing Tat
– Assistant Professor of Medical and Nursing Department, Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education, Dr. KWOK, Yeung Tsz Esther

Host: Hong Kong Consortium for Medical, Nursing and Healthcare Development

Officiating Guests: Dr. CHAN Pak Li, Bernard, JP. Dr Hau Kwun Cheung

Support Organizations:

  • Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education
  • SME Global Alliance Elderly and Special Needs Services Association
  • Hong Kong Health Workers Association from The Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions
  • The Asian Federation of Rehabilitation & Preventive Medicine
  • Association of Doctors for Social Responsibility

Investigation and Coordinating Agency: Hong Kong Healthcare Market Research and Consulting Limited

Media and Press Release

Sky Post

《Singtao Daily》

Singtao Daily

《Sky Post》

Sky Post

《Sky Post》

Sky Post

《Herbal Living》

Herbal Living

《Herbal Living》

Herbal Living

《Herbal Living》

Herbal Living

Winner List 2023

2023 年度獲獎名單
Healthcare Professionals' Choice- Brand Award : Ms. Tse Suet-sum, Susan

Healthcare Professionals’ Choice- Brand Award :
Ms. Tse Suet-sum, Susan

Healthcare Professionals' Choice- Brand Award : Mr. Kwan Lai Kit, Eddie

Healthcare Professionals’ Choice- Brand Award :
Mr. Kwan Lai Kit, Eddie

香港能仁專上學院醫療及護理學系助理教授 郭洋芷博士 頒發獎項

Healthcare Professionals’ Choice- Brand Award for Hair Nutrition and Color Protection:

香港安老及復康服務聯會主席 李伯英先生 頒發獎項

Healthcare Professionals’ Choice- Brand Award for Home Beauty Device:
Paige Luminous

亞洲醫療復康及預防醫學聯會創會 董事兼學術總監 陳海聰醫生頒發獎項

Healthcare Professionals’ Choice- Brand Award for Nutritional Supplement (Comprehensive Improvement ):

亞洲醫療復原及預防醫學聯會創會 董事兼學術總監 陳海聰醫生頒發獎項

Healthcare Professionals’ Choice- Brand Award for Healthy Clothing:


Healthcare Professionals’ Choice – Brand Award for Nutritional Supplement (Immunonutrition):

醫護之選–保健營養品(抗頑)品牌大獎:位元堂 – 純野生雲芝

Healthcare Professionals’ Choice- Brand Award for Nutritional Supplement (Anti-refractory):
Wai Yuen Tong

醫護之選–床上用品品牌大獎:Cherry 床上用品

Healthcare Professionals’ Choice- Brand Award for Bedding:


Healthcare Professionals’ Choice- Brand Award for Eczema Treatment Service:


Healthcare Professionals’ Choice- Brand Award for Nutritional Supplement (Japan):
Daiwa Supplement


Healthcare Professionals’ Choice- Soup Store Brand Award:
Original Taste Workshop